Kevin Shufran Best in Show at HCP

Dr. Kevin Shufran instructs his Environmental Science class.
August 25, 2015
New to the HCP faculty is Dr. Kevin Shufran, a dedicated teacher by day and an amateur dog trainer, gardener and fisherman by night.
Shufran enjoys training and teaching his Golden Retriever Paddy and his Spaniel Alba. He also enjoys gardening with his wife Adrine and going fishing. Putting aside these activities, he dedicates his life to teaching and sharing his knowledge with students.
“Teaching is a life commitment,” Dr. Shufran said.
While working for the government as a research scientist for the US Department of Agriculture, many students would go into his laboratory to work and ask him for assistance. He grew a relationship with the students and enjoyed helping them.
“Helping them succeed was the best part of my job,” Dr. Shufran said.
After this experience mentoring students, he decided that he wanted to be a teacher.
“Someone has to step up to the plate for education and I think I can help,” he said.
Dr. Shufran chose to teach at HCP due to the goals of sending students beyond the life of high school and succeeding in college.
“I knew that if I were to teach anywhere it had to be here because of the high standards,” he said.
As a graduate from Purdue University, Dr. Shufran learned about Entomology. He studied insects and other arthropods. Because of his knowledge of biological sciences, he believes that he has plenty of information to teach and offer to students at HCP.
“I have a real desire to promote my knowledge of the biological sciences. I want to see young people like yourself succeed because you guys are the future,” Dr. Shufran said.