September Awesome Eagles
Left to right: Principal Stefanick, Dylan DelCol, Jack Mims, Kevin Williamson and Ashton West.
November 2, 2018
Congratulations to the September Awesome Eagles freshman Ashton West, sophomore Kevin Williamson, junior Jack Mims and senior Dylan DelCol.
Being an awesome eagle is a honor where students are nominated for by teachers for going above and beyond inside and outside of the classroom.
The awards granted to the awesome eagles are a free clothes day, a student of the month T-Shirt and an off-campus lunch with head principal Steven Stefanick.
The students also get a letter sent to their homes, notifying their families of their accomplishments.
The students ate lunch with Stefanick at The Drum Room.
“The most surprising part about going to lunch with Stefanick was that he asked us what we liked about school and what we would change about it. I thought that was a nice way for him to get feedback from us,” DelCol said.