Four doctors who would make a better president than Dr. Ben Carson

Camila Gonzalez, Reporter

Since Donald Trump has recently fallen a bit behind in the polls, the Marionette has decided to provide alternative candidates to the new front runner. Here are four doctors we think would be a better president than Dr. Ben Carson.

Dr. Seuss

Theodor Seuss Geisel drew political cartoons during World War II targeting Adolf Hitler and Japan. His children’s books often reflect his political and social views. “Yertle the Turtle” both discourages dictatorships and promotes equal rights for all people. “The Lorax” shows the importance of preserving the environment and is against greed and consumerism. These are just a few examples of his many politically-based books.

The Doctor

The beloved “Doctor Who” timelord has traveled across the space-time continuum and made peace of all sorts of conflicts. This means he could easily deal with international and domestic problems without breaking a sweat. If he were to regenerate as an American, he would be a prime candidate to lead our nation.

Dr. Beverly Crusher

The chief medical officer on the starship Enterprise graduated top of her class from the Starfleet Academy. Although she was shy and self-conscious during childhood, she grew into a strong and capable person who was one of the most well-received characters from “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”  Her intelligence and ability to work with others would help her through presidency.

Dr. Pepper

Because 23 flavors of America are still better than someone who thinks that Obamacare is worse than slavery.