BSU ‘lets us express ourselves’
Members of the Black Student Union.
October 29, 2021
The Black Student Union is a club that represents African American culture and history, and examines current news that influences African Americans in the school.
“BSU is important because it gives the African American students of Harding Charter Prep a chance for their voices and ideas to be heard. This committee is also important because it helps African American students feel more at home at HCP due to the fact we are a minority in the school,” said junior Cortnie Morgan.
A good portion of HCP’s students African American, which was one of the reasons why BSU was founded in 2020, according to sponsor Liha Villanueva.
“[Crystal] Walker asked if I could be the BSU sponsor because she was able to trust me and plus, I’m a minority here, she wanted that to be an important aspect,” she said.
BSU is important because representation matters, especially in a school as diverse as HCP. Students should be able to be heard and have opportunities like BSU, Villanueva said.
“It’s important to have an organization that represents [Black students] and does things of their culture. I want [BSU members] to be able to have leadership opportunities and overall be represented at the school,” Villanueva said.
“My favorite thing about BSU is that we are like a family,” Cortnie Morgan said. “We come together and discuss important topics, concerns and future ideas for BSU. I also love that we all are able to listen to each other and use our differences as a way to be more creative as a whole.”
Junior Elyse Morgan said, “BSU lets us express ourselves and lets us understand that our voices matter. It is a great experience and anyone can join.”
So far the BSU has held several fundraisers, including a hygiene drive for the PivotOK program and “Socktober,” a shoe and sock drive for those in need.
“If you want change to happen it is starts with starting a club like this,” Villanueva said.
BSU can be a great experience for everyone and it is important to know that anyone can join and to be part of this amazing opportunity.
“Students should join to feel safe and have a collaborative space as a Black student along with learning about our culture and history considering. We don’t learn it at school, we have to research it and teach ourselves,” junior Dylan Gilyard said.
Next up for the BSU is the Trunk or Treat night on Oct. 29 from 6-8 p.m.