Information for upcoming Blood Drive
September 6, 2016
Harding is once again partnering with the Oklahoma Blood Institute with a blood drive on Sept. 7. The two groups have been partnering since 2006, helping out the people of the community.
This opportunity can allow the students to help out by giving their blood to those who are in need of it. This is the first year that the students will receive community service hours. Students who donate blood will receive three hours for their donation.
All students are encouraged to attempt donating blood, but there are some restrictions. To donate blood, students are required to be at least 16-years-old and weigh at least 125 pounds, and have parental consent. If a student is 18-years-old or older, they must weight at least 110 pounds.
It is recommended that those donating sleep well the night before and eat a good breakfast.
Giving blood is important to the community, especially after a disaster. The OBI has an honor program for high school seniors who donate six or more times by May 1 of their graduating year. Visit their website for more information about the honor cord program and for information about the donation process.